We use EU funding for our projects UE flag

Personal Data Protection and Cookies

Flídr metal s.r.o. (IČ: 60110813) and Flídr plast s.r.o. (IČ: 25293931), both with their registered office at Široký Důl 200, 572 01 (in the position of personal data controllers) hereby inform you that within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Regulation on the protection of personal data) processes your personal data: name and surname, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address, telephone number, photograph, information on your qualifications and education and other data concerning your person. The source of this data is the web "Job Applicant Form" resp. curriculum vitae document sent to us by you.

Vaše osobní údaje jsou zpracovávány za účelem výběru vhodného uchazeče k obsazení vypsané pracovní pozice a případného kontaktování uchazečů. Takové zpracování umožňuje ust. čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. b) a f) obecného nařízení o ochraně osobních údajů, i bez Vašeho souhlasu.

Your personal data is processed in order to select a suitable candidate to fill the advertised job position and possibly contact the candidates. Such processing is permitted by Article 6 (1) (a). b) and f) of the general regulation on personal data protection, even without your consent.

Processing will be performed by our company, or we may entrust the processing to another external service provider. Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties for the purpose of handling it for purposes other than those mentioned above. Your personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the EU. Potential processors and their computers (servers, clouds, etc.) are located in the EU. During processing, decisions will not be made about you based solely on automated processes.


  • We do not store any of your personal information in Cookies.
  • This website only uses Cookies necessary for it's function, such as: securing communication between your browser and our web server and cookies for analyzing the number of visits using Google Analytics.
  • We also store Cookies to identify your internet browser, so that we can show you a bar with an important information only once and prevent of bothering you with it over and over again. This Cookie is valid for 7 days from the date you click the HIDE button on the important information bar.
  • If you have questions about the processing of Cookies, please contact us at webmaster@flidr.cz

Finally, we would like to inform you that you have the right to request:

  • information about what personal data we process,
  • explanations regarding the processing of personal data,
  • access to your data we process, stating the purpose and legal title of the processing,
  • correction, change or addition of your personal data,
  • deletion of the personal data, unless it is personal data that we are obliged or authorized to further process according to applicable laws,
  • in case of doubts about compliance with the obligations related to the processing of personal data, contact us or the Office for Personal Data Protection with a complaint.