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Zimní celozávodní dovolená 21. 12. 2024 - 5. 1. 2025 : Společnosti Flídr metal s.r.o. a Flídr plast s.r.o. budou v termínu 21.12.2024 do 5.1.2025 uzavřeny z důvodu zimní celozávodní dovolené. V tomto termínu nebude v provozu příjem ani expedice zboží. ...Read more


Flídr automotive

Within business activities on field of automotive production, Flídr group specialize mainly on production of headrest frames, armrests, injection molded parts and luggage compartment covers for world´s leading car manufacturers. Flídr metal s.r.o. and Flídr plast s.r.o. are suppliers to the automotive industry as both TIER 2 and TIER 1.

Headrest frames

In serial production of headrest frames, portfolio of supplied parts begins with design-simple rods for headrest frames combined with plastic box and ends with design-complex multi-component headrest frames. The average annual production of headrest frames exceeds 5 million parts.

Plastic components

The most important injection molded parts produced for the automotive industry are, among others, plastic boxes for headrest frames, armrest frames, light covers, lock covers, frames and trunk covers.

Luggage compartment covers

The latest addition to the production portfolio for the automotive industry is, since 2019, also luggage compartment cover.